After a little talk-filled conversation, do you ever feel exhausted? If so, especially if you’re quite smart, you’re not alone. Research indicates that people with higher IQs tend to prefer deeper, more significant conversations over light conversation since they find it more taxing.
According to experts, this is due to an inherent desire for intellectual stimulation. People who prefer critical thinking and in-depth analysis may find small chat, which frequently centers on trivial subjects like the weather or weekend plans, monotonous and unsatisfying. Rather, people with high intelligence prefer to engage in intellectually stimulating debates on philosophy, science, personal development, or social issues.
A New Trader U survey claims that bright people have a higher desire for cognition, which means they prefer stimulating conversations than casual ones. Highly intellectual people may find small chat to be forced or superfluous, which makes social encounters more taxing than pleasurable, according to another NCYP.TV study.
However, this does not imply that high IQ individuals are socially awkward. Conversely, they do best in settings that foster meaningful and thought-provoking conversations. This explains why some people favor small-scale get-togethers with close friends over big social gatherings where small talk predominates.
After a day of casual chats, if you find yourself feeling mentally exhausted, it might not be social anxiety but rather your brain’s desire for more in-depth communication. The next time you find yourself in a rut of “How’s your day?” and “Crazy weather we’re having,” try guiding the discussion in a different direction. It’s possible that you will feel more invigorated.