Fathers may live longer if they have daughters, according to a recent study conducted by Jagiellonian University researchers. A father’s longevity can be extended by 74 weeks with each girl, although this impact is not seen with sons.
A startling correlation between dads’ longevity and the number of daughters they had was discovered by the study, which examined data from more than 4,300 people in rural Poland. Oddly, fathers’ longevity was not significantly impacted by the number of sons they had.
But why does this magic tend to be performed by daughters? Even while the study didn’t look at emotional factors, some experts think that daughters might give their aging parents greater emotional support and care, which could help them live longer. But this is merely a hypothesis, and not confirmed by the research.
Conversely, the study discovered that moms, irrespective of the gender of the kid, had a minor decline in lifespan with each child. Scientists speculate that this might be because of the physical strain of childbirth and pregnancy.
Although there is no cause-and-effect relationship demonstrated by the study, it does offer an intriguing look at how family relationships may affect longevity and health.
If you’re a father with daughters all around you, you may be able to thank them for a few more years. Furthermore, having sons is not the only way to live a long life; there are other factors as well.