Nollywood star Omoni Oboli has joyfully announced the arrival of her first grandchild, a beautiful baby girl named Naya. Taking to Instagram on August 12, 2024, the actress shared a heartfelt video of her son Tobe and his wife Marelle’s intimate baby shower to celebrate the occasion.
Omoni wrote: “Our hearts are filled with gratitude and joy. 💝💝💝We never knew we could love a tiny human so much 😍Our baby Naya is here and she is the perfect gift from God🎁🎁🎁🎁Our hearts are filled with so much love. 🥰🥰🥰🥰Naya, mommy, daddy, grandparents and uncles are all doing amazing. 🤩 THANK YOU LORD.”
Fans and other celebrities were quick to fill the comments with congratulations for the delighted grandmother.
Just last month, Omoni shared the exciting news that her daughter-in-law was pregnant. She posted a series of pictures from the couple’s maternity photoshoot and expressed her joy at the impending arrival of her granddaughter.
Tobe and Marelle, who got engaged in January 2024, married two months later in a private ceremony with their immediate family. Now the couple are celebrating their latest bundle of joy with Omoni and the whole family.