Being closer to the ground has an unanticipated benefit: it prolongs life! Shorter men may live almost three years longer than their taller counterparts, according to studies. When you’re blessed with longevity, who needs height?
Experts David Sinclair and Jean-Marie Robine describe this unexpected finding. They claim that cellular replication is the key. Because their bodies are larger, taller people’s cells must work more to keep everything functioning. This results in accelerated cellular fatigue, such as when you watch TikTok all day and your phone’s battery runs out. However, shorter people’s cells can relax a little more, which will prolong their life.
Now, before you begin making fun of your shorter buddies, let’s look at the big picture (pin intended). In the past, living in difficult circumstances and eating poorly were frequently associated with being short. However, in the modern era of improved nutrition and medical care, shorter people appear to be living longer and having the final laugh!
The next time you’re called “small but mighty,” consider it a compliment! Shorter men appear to live longer and are less stressed than taller men, who struggle with their agbadas becoming jammed in car doors. The tall males out there can still enjoy their “baba nla” status, so don’t worry.
Whether you’re tall or short, what matters most is living well. However, if you have vertical challenges, feel free to include “future life champion” on your resume. Life is measured in years, not inches, and it appears that short kings are making a lot of money!