On Wednesday night, the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) in Ikoyi, Lagos, witnessed a heated spectacle that rocked the media industry. The event, which destroyed the famous radio station’s studio area, caused concern but thankfully no one was hurt.
According to Lagos State Fire and Rescue Service Director Margaret Adeseye, the organization got a distress call at around 5:30 p.m. The Dolphin, Ebute Elefun, and Oba Oniru stations sent firefighters to the site immediately. They made sure the fire was limited to the studio area of the U-shaped, one-story building by working together with the Federal Fire Service and the Nigerian Police.
“The Lagos State Fire and Rescue Service is attending to a Fire outbreak at the Radio Nigeria on Plot No. 35, Ikoyi Rd, Ikoyi, Lagos.”
“The Agency which was alerted at about 17:30 hours had Firefighters from Dolphin, Ebute Elefun and Oba Oniru Fire Stations as first responders who met the Fire well-alight due to the substances involved in the material composition of the studio section.”
“The public is however assured that the collaborative efforts with the Federal Fire Service and other Emergency Responders including the Nigerian Police has put the situation under control and confined it to the studio section of the U-shape one storey building where it emanated,” Adeseye said on Wednesday evening.
“While the cause of the Fire is yet unknown with no report of any casualty, damping down of the Fire embers continues. Update to follow as situation demands,” she added.
This recent tragedy emphasizes the significance of strong safety protocols to protect critical infrastructure. For the time being, Radio Nigeria listeners can rest easy knowing that no lives were lost and that attempts are underway to restore normalcy at the station.