Popular Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh and her bodyguard, Gbenga, are set to stand trial at the Chief Magistrate’s Court in Wuse Zone 6 on August 24, 2024. The duo are being charged with assault and trespassing by Elvis Abuyere, the Managing Director of Skyewise Group Limited, a car dealership in Abuja.
The trouble started when Dikeh approached Abuyere’s company in January to buy a brand new model of the Changan Uni-K 2023 from Mikano Motors. Dikeh initially paid 37 million naira, using her old Lexus as part of the deal, and later added another 3.5 million naira. However, she missed the deadline to pay the balance of 85 million naira, so Abuyere reclaimed the car on May 1.
Although Dikeh eventually paid 42 million naira in installments, she still owed 2.5 million naira. The situation escalated when she invaded the dealership on July 30 with her bodyguard and two other women and demanded that her car be serviced. According to reports, the situation turned violent and Dikeh and her entourage were accused of assaulting Abuyere and his staff, damaging property and threatening to ruin his business on social media.
Now the actress and her bodyguard have to answer to these serious allegations in court.