In a momentous event on Friday, August 23, 2024, President Bola Tinubu presided over the swearing-in ceremony of Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun as the Chief Justice of Nigeria. The ceremony, held at the Council Chambers of the State House in Abuja, marks a significant milestone in the country’s judiciary.
Justice Kekere-Ekun’s appointment fills the position previously held by Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, who retired after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 70. The transition signifies a pivotal change in the leadership of Nigeria’s judiciary, with Justice Kekere-Ekun now stepping into the role of Chief Justice.
The event was attended by a host of distinguished guests, including members of the Nigerian judiciary, senior government officials, and legal practitioners. President Tinubu, in his address, praised Justice Kekere-Ekun for her extensive experience and commitment to justice. He expressed confidence that her tenure would usher in a new era of judicial excellence and integrity.
Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun brings to the role a wealth of experience and a distinguished career in the Nigerian judiciary. Prior to her appointment as Chief Justice, she served as a justice on the Supreme Court of Nigeria, where her contributions were widely recognized for their depth and fairness. Her career has been marked by her dedication to upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice is served impartially.
The appointment of Justice Kekere-Ekun is particularly notable as she becomes only the second female Chief Justice in Nigeria’s history. The first was Justice Aloma Mariam Mukhtar, who served from July 2012 to November 2014. Justice Mukhtar’s tenure was celebrated for breaking new ground in the Nigerian judiciary, and Justice Kekere-Ekun’s appointment is seen as a continuation of this legacy.
President Tinubu’s administration has emphasized the importance of judicial independence and the need for capable leadership within the judiciary. By appointing Justice Kekere-Ekun, the administration has underscored its commitment to these principles. The swearing-in ceremony not only marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Supreme Court but also reflects broader efforts to enhance the effectiveness and credibility of Nigeria’s legal system.
During the ceremony, President Tinubu highlighted Justice Kekere-Ekun’s notable achievements and contributions to the judiciary. He acknowledged her role in various landmark cases and her efforts to uphold the principles of justice and equity. The President expressed his belief that her leadership will be instrumental in addressing the challenges facing the judiciary and in advancing the cause of justice in Nigeria.
In her acceptance speech, Justice Kekere-Ekun thanked President Tinubu for the honor and expressed her commitment to upholding the highest standards of justice. She emphasized the importance of maintaining the integrity of the judiciary and pledged to work diligently to ensure that the courts continue to serve as a bastion of fairness and accountability.
The transition in the office of the Chief Justice is expected to bring renewed focus to the judiciary’s role in upholding constitutional rights and addressing legal issues that affect Nigerians across the country. As the new Chief Justice, Justice Kekere-Ekun will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Nigeria’s legal system, navigating complex legal challenges, and ensuring that justice is accessible to all.
Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, who retired after a distinguished career, was lauded for his service to the judiciary. His tenure was marked by efforts to reform and streamline the judicial process, and his contributions have left a lasting impact on the legal landscape of Nigeria.
As Nigeria moves forward under the leadership of Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun, there is a collective sense of optimism about the future of the judiciary. The legal community and the public are hopeful that her leadership will continue to build on the progress made by her predecessors and further strengthen the rule of law in the country.