Netflix is poised to announce its slowest subscriber growth in 18 months, with the initial boost from its password-sharing crackdown fading. Initially, this strategy attracted many users who opted for individual subscriptions, leading to a surge of around 4 million new subscribers in Q3 2024. However, this growth has significantly declined compared to previous quarters, indicating the effectiveness of the crackdown is waning.
While shows like “The Accident” and “The Perfect Couple” have helped retain viewers, they haven’t sparked the same rapid growth as before. Investors are now turning their attention to Netflix’s ad-supported plan as a potential revenue source, despite the company not expecting advertising to drive significant growth until 2026.
In Q2 2024, Netflix added 8.05 million subscribers, exceeding projections and bringing its total to 277.65 million. The company reported $9.5 billion in revenue, maintaining stability amid increased competition. Additionally, Netflix recently raised subscription prices in Nigeria, highlighting its strategy to boost revenue through price adjustments and advertising initiatives.